Your Business Is Shaped By Your Customer Voice

How many stars do you have? 87% of customers will only use a business that has an average rating of 3-5 stars!

What Customer Voice And Why Does It Matter?

For local businesses, having a steady stream of recent reviews is crucial. 73% of consumers say reviews written more than 3 months ago aren’t relevant anymore. Customers want to see reviews that relate to the business as it is today.

For local businesses, having a steady stream of recent reviews is crucial. 73% of consumers say reviews written more than 3 months ago aren’t relevant anymore. Customers want to see reviews that relate to the business as it is today.

Leverage the voice of brand champions to improve your business’ online word-of-mouth. Invite existing customers to share their experiences online so new customers know your business can be trusted.

Ensure customers are getting what they want and expect. Invite them to share their experiences so your clients can put their valuable feedback to work.

Make sure your customer reviews show up where your customers spend the most time. Focus on collecting feedback on the review sites that impact YOUR business.

Maximize the SEO benefits of positive customer experiences. Gathering authentic reviews will help your business show up in searches so new customers can find you easily and at the top.


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