Retirement View

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Keep It Simple Retirement Planning Advisor Edition

Quick. Simple. Visual. → The "Pain Finder" → "How did I ever live without it?" → The SERIOUS Financial Advisor's Secret Tool!

Check Out This Agent Serious Success Story

“I met with a couple in their 30’s who planned to keep the wife’s $100,000 life insurance as it was with no additional coverage. They came in because they thought it would be best to increase the husband’s coverage from $200,000 to $400,000. After putting their numbers into the Retirement Savings Planner and using the Life Insurance Needs tool, they decided that indeed they were underinsured. We wrote an additional $400,000 on the wife and $1.5 million on the husband. There is no doubt in my mind that I would have never been able to do that without the Retirement SavingsPlanner.

Clients like being part of the planning. Looking at different options is quite fast and easy for the client to understand. A couple that was 4 years from retirement was especially excited to throw different “what-ifs” at me to input and to see the results. It was very easy to understand yet vivid; it definitely got their attention.”
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