Gene Bond

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The Bond Financial Group Companies - Gene Bond

Unfortunately, there are no do-overs in retirement planning. If you get it wrong, the results can be costly, perhaps even devastating. There is a retirement crisis in America. Gene Bond is part of a nationwide network working to change that so that Americans can enjoy a successful retirement. A retirement where the future is secure, where a person can have peace of mind, and one where a person can sleep well at night (SWAN). Gene will work with you to create an income stream you cannot outlive and eliminate the Number 1 fear most pre-retirees and retirees have: running out of money during their lifetime.For Gene, his clients being able to have peace of mind and sleep well at night (SWAN) are more than just a catchy slogan. It’s built into his logo. He includes a swan in his logo as a reminder to his clients that he is watching over their retirement income plan day and night so that regardless of what happens in the stock market or the economy, their financial future is secure. This provides them with peace of mind, and they are able to sleep well at night (SWAN).Gene Bond is the Founder and President of The Bond Financial Group Companies (BFG), which he founded on April 1, 1987. BFG consists of 3 separate companies. Bond Financial Group Insurance Solutions (BFG Insurance Solutions) offers insurance products and insurance-related services, BFG Investments offers investments and investment-related services, and Outside the Box Tax Group (OTB Tax Group) provides tax planning and tax preparation services exclusively to the clients of BFG, BFG Insurance Solutions, and BFG Investments, as well as the children of their clients.Gene is a Certified Financial Fiduciary® and Certified Fiduciary Financial Educator®. He is an Investment Advisor, Tax Planner/Tax Strategist/Tax Preparer, Best-Selling Author, Featured Speaker, and Movie Producer.He primarily works with pre-retirees and retirees. He has received specialized training in Social Security, Medicare, Pensions (corporate, state, and federal employees), Long-Term Care, Wills/Trusts, and other topics that are critical for a person to not only understand but also coordinate with each other to maximize their income and minimize their taxes. This includes the ability to pass along assets to one’s loved ones and charities in the most tax-efficient manner possible and protecting one’s assets from the claims of others. He has also received specialized training in the benefits available to state and federal employees.As a Certified Financial Fiduciary® (CFF), he is held to the highest standard that any financial professional is held to. To be more specific, he is legally bound to put the interests of his clients ahead of himself, his companies, and the companies whose products and services he recommends.The Foundation for Fiduciary Education (FFE) is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. As a Certified Fiduciary Financial Educator®, Gene focuses on providing unbiased, fiduciary financial education in communities nationwide. As a Certified Financial Fiduciaries®, he is sworn to teach unbiased financial education and to uphold the highest moral, ethical, and fiduciary standards of service when providing advice to potential or existing clients. One of his goals is to uplift and empower entire communities to take control of their finances. It all begins with him helping people to better understand their options, as well as all the information, both the bad and the good, that is needed to make an educated, informed, and intelligent decision about what each person feels the most comfortable owning. Getting connected is easy. Simply click here to schedule a brief chat to learn more.He has contributed several articles on Social Security and Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) that have been published in multiple investment and insurance industry publications and websites. He has spoken at conferences, conventions, seminars, and workshops throughout the United States and Canada.On April 1, 2000, Gene founded the Bond Sales Academy (BSA). BSA helps financial professionals learn how they can best serve their clients. This is accomplished by helping advisors learn the good, the bad, and the ugly components that all financial products have. This way, the advisors can better explain to their clients and prospective clients these components so that the client/prospective client can make an informed, educated, and intelligent decision as to what financial products they feel best suit them.The Bond Financial Group Companies are part of a national team of Nobel Prize-winning economists, attorneys, CPAs, tax advisors, insurance & financial planning professionals, actuaries, and government officials working to create a strategic alliance with other financial professionals to reduce taxes and build wealth for their clients. They represent multiple carriers and plans, so their loyalty is to you, their client. Since they are independent, they can remain impartial while searching for the best plan to fit your insurance and investment needs.In 2021, he was asked to be a Producer for “The Baby Boomer Dilemma” movie. The movie is a groundbreaking documentary that, for the first time ever, explores the SCIENCE of retiring successfully. It explains how a person, or a couple, can have a scientifically optimized retirement. This type of retirement isn’t someone’s opinion of how it should be designed, it doesn’t guess how your retirement and income plan should be designed, it doesn’t hope that it is designed correctly, instead it mathematically and scientifically proves how you should design your retirement and income plan so that you get it right. So that you can optimize your retirement and income plan to maximize the income and minimize the federal income tax you could pay. For more information on “The Baby Boomer Dilemma” and to watch one of the official trailers for the movie, click here or go to the 35-plus years since Gene founded his companies, he has been on a mission to help increase the financial literacy of the people with whom he has met. These are some of the ways he can help you. Find out if you’re on track for retirement. Develop a savings strategy to help reach retirement goals. Craft an income plan for retirement and help you manage it throughout retirement as tax laws and account balances change. Tax considerations with account selection and withdrawals in retirement. Develop and execute an investment strategy to suit your pre- and post-retirement lifestyle. Protect your hard-earned dollars from loss due to a change if there’s a market downturn right before you plan to retire. Understand if you can afford to retire with the lifestyle you want. Navigate market volatility and other changes during retirement. Evaluate different options to save for retirement, such as starting a retirement plan for business owners or selling a business.The SWAN Retirement Plan that he creates with you will cover: How to protect your retirement account(s) and/or investment account(s) during the Retirement Red Zone, which is the last 5 years you work and the first 5 years you are retired. Studies show that as little as a 10% loss during this time greatly increases your odds of running out of money in your lifetime. How much do you need to retire? Why the timing of expenses is important. Account selection: where to save for retirement. Roth conversions: they are not just for pre-retirees. Retirement income and tax planning strategies. Should you take a pension or a lump sum? Evaluating an early retirement buyout offer. Health insurance options before Medicare at age 65. Buying a retirement home. Timing Social Security benefits. Investing before – and throughout – retirement. Stress testing your retirement plan to make sure it is designed to withstand the severe stock market declines that will occur 3 – 5 times during a normal retirement so you don’t run out of money during your lifetime.Remember, there are no do-overs in retirement planning. Get it wrong and the results can be costly, perhaps even devastating. Learn how you can have a scientifically, mathematically optimized, successful retirement. Created by Nobel Prize-winning economists and some of the foremost leading retirement planning specialists. If there is anything that Gene can do to be of service to you or anyone you know, please don’t hesitate to reach out to him. To learn more about him and the ways he serves his clients, please take a moment to view his Digital Business Card by clicking here, scanning the QR code below, or by going to He can best be reached by scheduling a call by clicking here or you can copy and paste this URL into your browser

Gene Bond

(601) 917-8886

The Bond Financial Group

574 Highland Colony Pkwy, Suite 320-P
Ridgeland, Mississippi 39157
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